How to Fix Azure MySQL Database Export Failure Issue: Unhandled exception with ‘pwd’ Variable

Are you facing challenges exporting your Azure MySQL database through MySQL Workbench due to the cryptic error message: “Unhandled exception: cannot access local variable ‘pwd’ with no associated value”? This error can be frustrating, but fear not – we have the solution for you.

Root Cause of the Issue

The root cause of this error stems from the configuration or state of MySQL Workbench, particularly in how it handles workspace files and export options. The ‘pwd’ variable may not be correctly initialized or accessed during the export process, leading to the failure.

Steps to Resolve

1. Close the MySQL Workbench: To start troubleshooting, close the MySQL Workbench tool to ensure any ongoing processes are stopped, and configurations are reset.

2. Delete Workspace Files: Navigate to the directory where MySQL Workbench saves its workspace files (usually located at C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_workspaces). Identify the workspace associated with the server where the error occurred. Alternatively, you can delete all folders within the sql_workspaces directory for simplicity (replace User_Name with your actual username).

3. Disable ‘Lock-Tables’ Option: Before proceeding with the export process, make sure to uncheck the ‘lock-tables’ option in MySQL Workbench’s export settings. This option can sometimes cause interference during the export process and could be a factor in the ‘pwd’ variable error. You can find this option under “Advanced Options” in the data exporter within MySQL Workbench.

4. Initiate Export: After clearing workspace files and disabling the ‘lock-tables’ option, proceed to start the export process from Azure MySQL Database using MySQL Workbench. With the potentially problematic configurations reset and interferences mitigated, the export should now proceed smoothly without encountering the ‘pwd’ variable error.

By following these steps diligently, you should be able to resolve the ‘pwd’ variable error and successfully export databases from Azure MySQL Server using MySQL Workbench.